Saturday, October 27, 2007

October 28 - November 3, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Chipped away loose stuff on back porch. Stan applied seal. Stan banged Simca against pole. Watched Steelers – Monday night football.

Tue – School. Got milk. Did homework. Defrosted downstairs refrid. Took Ivan to Pitt dental school. Made popcorn. Read. Wrote Daisye. Stan went to shop.

Wed- School. Started to knit sock for Frank. Worked outside. Weeded & fertilized. Hemmed dress for Ivan. Took kids to Pl. Hills parade. Went to school. Stan got kids.

Thu – School. Elaine called. Walter Earl had stroke. Nice day. Washed clothes. Went to bank & store. Carved pumpkin. Kids made dummy, the “thing”, Lurch, etc. Kids came around (had 56 kids). Cut up pumpkin.

Fri – School. Went for milk & to the store. Took Harry for tennis shoes & stopped at K-Mart to pay bill. Listened to game Monessen 20 – TJ 14.

Sat – Stan went to shop. Washed clothes. Carol & Jim stopped. Tried to clean carpet in Julie’s room. Called Stan to help me. Fixed supper. Took bath.

Sun – Slept late. Cleaned up. Mopped kitchen. Made jelly roll cake with whipped cream. Don & Elaine came. Fixed steaks & baked potatoes. Cleaned up. Read paper. Watched “Upstairs, Downstairs”.


Tue – School. Drove Stan to work. Called Eleanor & wrote Frank. Took Ivan to dental clinic. Went to store. Got Stan & Dave from work. Stan had 1st meeting with Louise Lindberg.

Wed – School. Dave’s day off. Stan took Plymouth for inspection – didn’t pass. Washed clothes. Baked pies. Stan went to shop to see Dan.

Thu – School. Turned colder. Washed clothes. Worked football contest. Straightened up. Started sweater again. Kids came “Trick or Treat”. 59 kids. Ran out of orange drink (60+) Ivan & Julie went out dressed.

Fri – School. Worked football contest. Stan got auto parts. Cleaned house. Went to store. Dave worked 12-10. Went to football game TJ 14 – Ringgold 8. All the bands played (Monessen forfeited.)

Sat – Nice day. Washed clothes. Kids cleaned. Bill & Carolyn came. Worked on cars. Stayed for supper. Had meat balls, cake. Watched TV & knitted.

Sun – Read paper. Bill & Carolyn came & worked on cars. Stan went to meeting with Jim H. & Carol & Dan. Carol stopped & brought a “care” package. Cas called – sending Frank to Texas.

Mon – School. Took Julie to Dr. Shapiro. Drove Simca. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Changed sheets. Julie had scouts. Got Stan & he got Dave. Marion called.


Thu – Stan drove me to work. Kids had school. Tired. Stan fixed fish supper – good. Stan washed clothes. Folded & put away. Went to bed early.

Fri – School. Stan drove me to work. Debbie & I went to Roy Rogers for lunch. Last day work. Harry picked me up. Fred Wonder came for compressor at shop. Greg, Julie, Harry & I went to football game TJ 51 – Brownsville 15. Colder.

Sat – Washed clothes. Stan took me shopping & got battery for Pontiac. Sorted things for Dave to take for moving. Called Carol. Watched “Prince & Pauper”. Rain.

Sun – Up early. Cleaned kitchen. Straightened. Carol came with pick-up. Moved Dave’s things. Went to his apartment – measured windows. Light rain. Had 40 kids for Halloween. Julie & Ivan went out. Bruce H. stopped out.

Mon – School. Washed Frank’s clothes. Went to McKeesport to sign up. Stan went to eye & ear. Had trouble with dryer. Stan worked on dryer. Harry got new belt for it. Had to pick Greg up from new job.

Tue – School. Washed clothes. Stan & I voted. Cleaned cellar. Stan went to Dr. Made sauerkraut for supper. Made spaghetti sauce & dough. Watched TV election returns. Carter won.

Wed – School. Went to McKeesport to sign up. Waited in line 2 hrs. Got birthday present for Julie to give. Got food stamps & went to store. Made rolls. Julie went to party. Kids got McDonalds drink. Watched “African Queen”.


Fri – School. Stan went to town for Auction. Cleaned house. Made macaroni salad & hot sausage. Kids chopped tree limbs. Julie made outdoor fire. Went to store.

Sat – Nice day. Washed clothes. Frank took off. Made chicken soup. Harry got milk. Got stuck with Pontiac. Kids made pizza. Dad went back to shop. Started BJ’s sweater.

Sun – Nice day. Washed kitchen windows & put up storm window. Carol called. Stan fixed Subaru car door handles. Made Arab bread & stew. Sorted Frank’s things. Stan went to shop. Called Mary.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Packed Frank’s things. Got call from Frank – W. Va. jail. Carved pumpkin. Julie fixed dummy. Had 45 kids. Julie went around. Fixed pumpkin.

Tue – School. Took Dave’s car to get fixed. Fixed mortite around windows. Put away Frank’s clothes behind eves. Dave & Greg went to McKeesport – sent money for Frank. Elaine called. Went to store. Bill H. called.

Wed – School. Greg home – doing nothing. Made pumpkin cake & pumpkin cookie. Cut front & back grass. Tired. Stan went back to shop. Dave picked up car at Gouker – new water pump.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Got milk. Cut grass. Dave finished grass. Sorted branches. Brought up firewood. Julie & I took Marion to Dorothy & Jim’s. Nice house. Stopped at Krogers.


Sat – Marion called. Stan went to shop. Home lunch – then Latrobe. Washed clothes. Drove Ivan to bank. Had sauerkraut & spareribs. Baked cake. Bill H. came with Bruce & Bill H. Jr. Slept – delivered papers.

Sun – Nice day. Changed clocks. Elaine called. Stan worked on Subaru – exhaust pipe. Watched Steelers 27 – Kansas City 17. Went to Helen’s with Julie hoping to go to hospital to see Stella. Blown gasket. Eleanor drove Julie & me home. Bill H. towed Stan & Subaru.

Mon – School. Stan got ride to work (Paps). Gas man came. Called Marion. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Changed sheets. Ivan played hookie. Harry called. Carol came. Fixed her supper. Bill & Carolyn stopped with Datsun.

Tue – School. Washed clothes & living room drapes. Washed windows & storm windows. Made apple pie. Had only 28 kids for Trick or Treat. Julie went around. Went to store.

Wed – School. Nice day. Elizabeth came over about windows. Called Marion & Mary. Made pumpkin cookies & stew. Washed Iames front window. Swept tomatoes from porch. Went to store. Saw Wendy (Morris) Zoller. Bill & Carolyn stopped.

Thu – School. Foggy. Stan went to W. Va. Washed clothes. Had kids help clean Iames side window. Watched TV.

Fri – School. Stan took Julie to hospital. Broken toe. Cleaned. Call from school. Ivan fighting - suspended. Stan went for Frank’s medicine. Too late. Stan took me to Gold Circle. Crowded. Frank helped Dave.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

October 21 - October 27, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Changed sheets. Went to school & stopped at store.

Tue – School. Called Eleanor. Washed living room windows. Took Julie’s bike to get repaired. Donated blood. Called Elaine. Stan did sales & went to shop in even.

Wed- School. Made apple pies. Went to Women’s Club luncheon & card party. Baked pies & made casserole. Stan went to shop. Went to K-Mart.

Thu – School. Took Julie to dentist for check-up. Took card table to school. Washed clothes & changed my sheets. Went to Football Mother’s card party. Stan worked on Cl. T checks.

Fri – School. Took Plymouth to Bahanna. Had to get brake shoes & drum. Cleaned house. Had Bill’s car & got milk. All the kids went to football game. TJ 37 – Bruns. 0. Harry sang in chorus.

Sat – Washed clothes. Started late. Drove Greg to Middle School. Went to store. Had Greg cut front grass. Nice day. Watched TV. Stan went to shop.

Sun – Read paper. Fixed bacon & eggs. Stan went to shop & fixed front lights. Worked on front flowers. Put in plastic bags. Nice day. Marion called. Watched “Poseidon Adventure”.


Tue – School. Nice day. Made popcorn for Julie’s class. Cleaned my bedroom windows. Made stuffed Duck. Went to PTO open house. Stan went to shop & got Dave at work. Stan fixed dryer.

Wed – School. Dave’s day off. Stan went to sign up. Washed drapes. Did living room windows & storm windows. The guys cut down big tree in back. Big job. Dave went to Oakland.

Thu – School. Nice day. Washed clothes. Drove Stan to work then Dave. Stopped at store. Washed kitchen windows. Took kids for shoes at HS. Then got guys from work. Julie built fire.

Fri – School. Greg & Harry home sick. Cleaned house. Frank called collect form Calif. Called Elaine & Mary. Knitted & watched TV.

Sat – Nice day. Bill came to work on cars. Brought chili. Washed clothes. Planted tulips. Gathered wood from big tree. Sorted Frank’s clothes. Finished sweater but will have to re-do. Took walk.

Sun – Nice day. Made butterscotch oatmeal cookies & snackin’ cake. The fellows worked on the tree. Had steak. Changed clocks back. Kids got baths. Gave haircuts.

Mon – School. Drove Stan to work. Took Dave to work & went to store. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Changed sheets. Got Stan & Dave. Dan Arico came. Discussed selling.


Thu – Harry drove me to work. Stan troubled with eye. Stan fixed fish (from LaVern). Bill Hatfield called.

Fri – Harry drove me to work. Girls & I went to Ralph’s. Wouldn’t do circus tent. Tired. Greg & Stan went to football game. Belle Vernon 16 – TJ 0.

Sat – Washed clothes. Went to bank & store. Stuffed chicken (like rubber) & baked cake. Stella, Bill & Mary came. Chopped chicken for another meal.

Sun – Rain. Up early. Cleaned kitchen, bath & ran sweeper. Dave looked at apartments. Dave, Julie & I went to Marion’s in evening. Got skillet & pan for Dave. Carol called.

Mon – Rain. Harry drove me to work. Mr. McCall says he plans to cut me down to 2 days. Greg went to town. To start work next Monday. Dave looked at apartments. Wrote to Elaine. Teachers strike over.

Tue – Harry drove me to work. First day of school – started 3 hrs late. Harry had job at Seven Springs. Dave put money down on Apt. in Clairton. Watched TV.

Wed – School. Stan drove me to work. Dave fixed sweet, sour pork. Dave looked at other apartment (Brentwood). Discussed furniture. Watched TV.


Fri – School. Went to Iames to see about arrangements. Washed clothes & cleaned house. Won $20. gift certificate. Called Carol. Went to Foodland. Took Nancy Sajna to funeral home. Bill & Carolyn here. Visited.

Sat – Up early. Went to store. Made lasagna & finished cleaning. Elaine called. Went to Iames. Prepared funeral lunch. Good size group. Watched TV.

Sun – Nice day. Julie felt sick. Read paper. Stan worked on & finished wall. Made beef roast, baked apples & bisquits. Went for milk in Clairton. Kids got baths.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Went to store. Got stuck with Pontiac. Dave came – jumped it. Took back containers in neighborhood. Visited Iames.

Tue – School. Slept later. Had run-in with Frank. Greg called – coming home. Stan & Harry worked on muffler. Harry & Ivan went out for Greg. Bruce, Robin & baby came. Stan worked at shop.

Wed – School. Felt terrible, flu. Stayed in bed. Sharon Iames came over. Washed clothes. Read. Fixed supper. Greg & Harry played ball. Stan took me to the store.

Thu – School. Felt better. Washed clothes. Made orange drop cookies. Called Mary. Mrs. Meckley came up (Arab bread). Made chili & tapioca. Stan worked on car door handle. Got McDonald’s coupons.


Sat – Nice day. Washed clothes. Cleaned living room & dining room. Kids cut grass. Stan caulked windows. Elaine called. Watched TV. Made cake.

Sun – Did papers. Back to bed. Beautiful day. Made French toast. Stan visited Kas. Cut back grass. Stan helped Bill. Made mushroom soup. Stan & I said goodbye to Kas & Kate.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept cellar. Frank mopped. Called Eleanor. Rain. Called Mary. Stan went bowling. Watched football. Houston 24 – Steelers 17.

Tue – School. Wrote Bill in Calif & Harold. Called Marion John. Made coffee cake. Went to store. Watched TV. Crocheted.

Wed – Marion called. Killing frost. School. Made kapusta & pierogi. Mary called. Took Julie & Donna to the Haunted House. Stopped at Foodland. Harry called. Not coming home now.

Thu – School. Rain. Called Marion. Cleaned house. Made new chicken recipe. Read story (magazine). Greg stopped. Grace Pavelko called.

Fri – School. Drove Stan to work. Went to Eastland. Charged things – deferred billing. Went to store – Delallo. Got fish (very good). Made spaghetti sauce. Stan & I went to football TJ 20 – Brownsville 7.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 14 - October 20, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Sewed my pants suit. Stan had Carbide Engineers. Went to K-Mart.

Tue – School. Stan’s last day at Hydro. They had cake & took him to dinner. Took Ivan to dentist. Went to store. Frank suspended again. Went to K-Mart.

Wed- School. Stan first day for Clairton Tech. Went to bank & store. Went back to K-Mart. Ivan bought Kevin Barr’s bike. Went to school. Bill & Dan had meeting here.

Thu – School. Frank home. Washed clothes. Stan home lunch. Finished pants suit. Got rock salt. Paid telephone. Ivan sold old bike. Played free bingo. Called Elaine & Marion.

Fri – School. Frank back to school. Washed hair. Cleaned house. Stan & I took Chrysler to junk yard. Went to Southland. Bought bike for Julie. Went to football game. Cold. Don & Elaine here.

Sat – Tired. Washed clothes. Kids went to Elder’s garage sale. Went to store. Stan to shop. Made lemon pie & rigatoni. Called Caroline. Visited Iames. Watched TV. Took shower.

Sun – Did homework. Made pancakes. Stan went to shop. Took kids to Roosevelt field & went to store. Darlene came, took kids to see horse. Carol & Jim stopped.


Tue – School. Nice day. Drove Stan to shop. Went to store. Baked cake. Drove Dave to work. Cut front grass & some of back (lots of leaves). Kids cut back grass. Cut Mrs. Iames’ hair. Stan got Dave.

Wed – School. Dave’s day off. Stan took car. Dave helped cut grass. Washed clothes. Washed windows in Julie’s room. Carol & Jim came. Worked on company records.

Thu – School. Drove Stan to work. Took Julie to Pitt Dental. Stopped for circle light for kitchen. Got Stan. Dave worked over. Picked him up at 10:00.

Fri – School. Rain. Cleaned house. Mended clothes. Elaine called. Went to store. McKeesport police called. Frank in jail.

Sat – Washed clothes. Stan sick with flu again. Made pizza, brownies & pie shell. Julie went to mountains with Leslie. Harry went with Flip. I helped Dave at Ponderosa.

Sun – Slept until 1:30. Fixed meat & veg. for shish-kabobs. Had early supper. Dave & I went to county jail. Frank not there. Carol & Jim came out. Brought saw & financial report.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Washed Julie’s windows & drapes. Made chocolate cream pie. Changed sheets. Knitted & watched about Betty & Barney Hill on TV.


Thu – Worked. Stan made stew, pumpkin pie (frozen). Frank here, too. Washed clothes. Kids brought up wood for fireplace.

Fri – Stan drove me to work. Girls & I went to Sun Drug for lunch. Stopped at store on way home. Eleanor called & Marion called.

Sat – Felt blue. Washed clothes. Cleaned living room & dining room. Marion called (caught me crying). Kids chopped wood. Fixed apples.

Sun – Slept later. Went to store. Made apple pies & chop suey. Steelers won. Got shower. Watched TV “Having Babies”. Stan cleaned kitchen.

Mon – Harry drove me to work. Debbie & I moved out of back room (at work). TJ teachers rejected offer. Stan took Ivan to Pitt dental (got retainers) & Stan went to Eye & Ear Hospital about eye. Cold – record 26 degrees.

Tue – Harry drove me to work. Long day. Stan got me. Made apple nut cake (recipe from Dorothy Meloy). Watched TV. Radar (Harry’s friend) came with camping stuff.

Wed – Harry drove me to work. Still no school. Off early. Julie, Stan & I saw “Other side of the Mountain”. Had late supper (Dave fixed). Bob & friend Lorrie stopped.


Fri – School. Marion called & Mary. Went to lunch & store. Cleaned house. Had spaghetti & French bread. Stan, Julie & I went to game TJ 15 – EF 7. Cold. Called Mary again.

Sat – Nice day. Stan went to shop early. Went to Krogers. Took Julie to K-Mart & Penneys. Got her shoes. Went to milk store. Washed clothes. Julie buildt fire in back – roasted marshmallows.

Sun Slept late. Stan went to shop. Made cheese stuffed peppers, cake & bran muffins. Played chess. Kids got baths. Stan worked on wall (capping).

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Went to store. Paid water bill Car wouldn’t start. Called Bob Iames to get me. Harry & Frank got car. Watched TV. Steelers 20 – Cinn 14.

Tue – School. Called Mary. Cleaned out cupboards in bedroom. Went through patterns. Stan went to Oakland eye clinic. Mary came out. Gave her coat, etc.

Wed – School. Light rain. Washed clothes. Mended. Went to store. Made roast & Texas sheet cake. Kids made pancakes in evening.

Thu – School. Police came. Mr. Iames hung himself. Spent the day with Dorothy. Helped Sherry get clothes ready. Dorothy ate dinner with us. Called Dorothy Bilan & Mary.


Sat – Stan went to Latrobe. Made Russian torte cookies. All got ready. Went to wedding of MaryAnn & Mark. Turned colder. Went to reception. Had good time. All went well.

Sun – Slept late. Did papers. Took Julie to show. Went to store. Made meat loaf. Called Dave & Carol. Stan didn’t feel well. Rested. Watched TV. Dave stopped – picked up paper.

Mon – School. Wrote Harry. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Called Marion. Changed sheets. Stan went bowling. Frank had 1st day new semester.

Tue - School. Stan went to Jeannette & I went to bank & store. Called Eleanor. Frank home early. Didn’t feel good. Went to Clabers & Foodland. Earl Sunder called.

Wed – School. Frank home sick. Cut out & started top for me. Had chicken. Went to Julie’s open house at Middle School. Good crowd (Went with Sandy C. & Dorothy Dotterway).

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Cleaned out kitchen & baths. Had steak & pudding. Mailed letters & got Ivan’s bike (6.80) Watched TV. Stan called Kas (Pgh).

Fri – School. Stan took Datsun. Drove Frank to Health Clinic. Stopped at DeLallo’s. Sewed & finished top. Went to milk store. Made pork roast. Stan, Julie & I went to game. Belle Vernon 10 – TJ 0.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

October 7 - October 13, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Marion called. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Changed sheets. Got milk. Pd. Gobbies. Leslie W & Flip came up to play. Stan went to shop. Baked cake.

Tue – School. Iced cake. Made spaghetti sauce. Made hamburger (J & me). Took Greg to Pitt Dental. Worked accounting. Bill H. stopped out. Carol & Jim came. Worked on Cl. Technical accounts.

Wed- School. Did bookkeeping. Read. Cut out shorts & cut out & designed pants suit. Went to night school. Stan worked on Cl. TD accounts. Got Frank from Gaba’s.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Did windows& storm windows of my bedroom. Started Julie’s windows. Went to Dr. Reese. Made soup & apple dessert. Carol called. Stan went to shop.

Fri – School. Cleaned house. Cleaned Julie’s room. Went for milk & to the store. Gathered up dead flowers. Nice day. Stan & I went to ball game TJ 21 – So. Allegh 0.

Sat – Washed clothes. Washed hair. Took Greg to play ball. Cleaned kitchen windows & washed curtains. Stan went to shop. Felt very blue.

Sun – Bad day. Felt terrible. Looked over want ads. Talked with Stan. Made apple pies & roast.


Tue – School. Made brownies & sauerkraut & pork. Went to Pitt Dental with Ivan. Met Elaine. Brought her home. Took her to bank & school. Marion called. Elaine went back with Denny Majetic.

Wed – School. Stan sick with flu. Stayed home in bed. Washed upstairs windows. Put up storm windows. Dan called. Called Carol.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Baked apple pie. Made navy bean soup. Went for water softener salt. Light rain. Stopped for windshield wiper blade. Dan Arico came. Had meeting.

Fri – School. Harry home sick – poison ivy. Cleaned house. Cleaned lazy susan. Dave’s insurance man came. Dave went to work. Holly called. Stan & I went to ball game (TJ 47 – Laurel Highlands 0). Carol called.

Sat – Nice day. Dave worked 13 hrs at Murphy Mart. Washed clothes. Went to store. Knitted. Kids helped Dave clean at Ponderosa. Home late.

Sun – Read paper. Made pancakes. Fixed meat loaf. Julie went to Elaine Johnston’s. Cut garden. Bill & Carolyn came to help Stan with tail pipe on wagon. Stayed for supper.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Changed sheets. Washed curtains & windows in dining room. Put up storm windows. Stan’s car making noise. Bill stopped to see it.


Thu – Stan drove me to work. Rain. Tired. Debbie’s brother had auto accident. Stan took Julie & I to store. Got Julie nightgown & groceries. Turned colder. Mailed lottery eligibility.

Fri – Still no school. Stan took me to work. Rain. Debbie, LaVerne & I went to Eat ‘N Park. Tired. Greg & Harry went for milk. Read.

Sat – Rain. Greg went looking for job. Stan took me to store and bank. Washed clothes. Kids & Stan went to shop to clean up. Harry had football practice. Mended clothes. Baked choc. torte & banana cake.

Sun – Cool. Cleaned living room & dining room. Took shower. Cleaned out refridgerator. Stan worked on Pontiac. Made veal cordon blue. Put on door storm windows. Called Mary – had letter from JoAnn.

Mon – Stan drove me to work. Long day. Harry got me. Had hot dogs & beans. Harry left for game. Stan & I went (Glassport) Eliz. For. 20 – TJ 15. Harry couldn’t get car started. Stan pd. water bill.

Tue – No school. Stan drove me to work. Pontiac wouldn’t go. Stan took Ivan to dentist & glasses to Dr. Siegel for fixing. Had spaghetti – good. Dave worked late.

Wed – Went to work. (Harry drove me.) Harry quit football. Went to Watko’s antique sale. Didn’t buy anything. Very tired. Showered & went to bed early.


Fri – School. Cleaned house. Washed my bedroom drapes & windows. Put in storm door glass. Started to knit slipper socks – Julie. Watched “Escape from Bogen County”.

Sat – Rain. Stan went to shop early. Marion called. Elaine called. Came for lunch & to visit. Kids finished insulation & cleaned upstairs. Washed clothes & made Gobs. Watched Pitt 17 – Florida 17.

Sun – Felt terrible. Stan went to shop early. Elaine came. We went to Stan’s shop. Elaine stayed for supper. Drew Stahlman came. Watched “60 Minutes”. Went to bed early.

Mon – School. Julie stayed home. Elaine called – going back. Washed clothes. Went to store. Stan went to eye Dr. He went to drive – took Julie’s flute. Made chili. Uncle Bill came out. Stan went back to shop.

Tue – School. Stan went to Oakland – Dr. Jammed. Can back again. Made kapusta & pierogi. Washed 1 load clothes & drapes. Washed upstairs windows & storm windows.

Wed – School. Cold. Finished “The Hobbit”. Picked apples at Iames & made apple cake. Went to store. Fixed chicken & mashed potatoes. Frank home early. Watched world series. Gave Julie flute lesson.

Thu – School. Called Eleanor. Washed clothes & living room drapes. Washed windows & storm windows for living room. Pontiac had flat. Harry took extra spare tires to Sunoco (charged $10.00)


Sat – Slept late. Wrote Harry. Washed clothes. Went to store. Made cake, chili & blueberry muffins. Went to visit Frank. Upset. Stan talked to Kas.

Sun – Slept late. Stan brought Frank home. Went to store. Dan A. came. Bill & Carolyn came. Brought gifts. Went to Dave’s for spaghetti supper. Nice apartment. Home early.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. (Julie home & Stan home). Swept & mopped cellar. Wrote Harry but no mail pick-up. Finished upstairs windows. Went to store.

Tue – School. Drove Ivan to McKeesport for drivers exam. Took to Dr. office. Went to Hardees for lunch. Made stuffed peppers & cabbage. Frank here. Asked to stay. Stan called Kas.

Wed – School. Frank slept here. Hospital called. Marion called. Washed clothes.

Thu – School. Stan & Kas went to work. Dave brought Kas home early. Washed clothes. Made apple, lemon & pie shells. Cut grass. Went to store. Got Ivan’s permit notarized. Stan & Kas got Frank’s medicine.

Fri – School. Rain. Kas here. Stan went to Dr. & shop. Cleaned house. Fixed lunch. Went to Delillo’s with Kas. Drove Ivan on paper route. Mary & Kay came for supper. Stuffed flounder, lasagna & banana cream pie. Bill & Carolyn stopped. Dave stopped.