Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29 - May 5, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Stan started vacation. Washed clothes. Drain sewer by hose. Swept & mopped. Dave took wagon. Worked around trees. Put peat moss.

Tue – Stan took Dave to work. Took Ivan to dental clinic. Went to town. Stopped at Foodland. Made cho. cream pie. Got Ivan at ball practice (rain). Went to K-Mart. Stan worked at shop.

Wed- School. Washed clothes & drapes. Took Dave’s car to garage. Stan got board & painted it. Washed kitchen windows & my bedroom. Put up screens. Called Elaine & Carol about wedding. Went to store.

Thu – School. Sewed Julie’s outfit. Finished afghan. Hatfields stopped out. Stella brought bedspread. Stan went to shop. Went to store.

Fri – School. Julie home sick. Stan worked on awning. Made potato salad. Sewed Julie’s skirt & top. Cleaned kitchen. Went to Kamperts – Bill & Carolyn’s wedding. All went well.

Sat – Stan & Harry went to shop. Dave & Frank dug up sewer – grease trap. Washed clothes. Julie went to zoo for birthday party. Harry & Ivan had practice games. Stan worked at shop.

Sun – Cooler. Made French toast. Made crème horns. Ivan cut front grass. Cleaned living room. Called Elaine. Don told his parents about marriage. Kids got baths.


Tue – School. Took Ivan to Pitt Dental. Disgusted with Frank. Went to bank & store. Got Julie skirt & top. Got pictures (field trip). Cut out Stan’s jacket. Elaine & Don came to say good-bye for summer.

Wed – Stan took Frank to W. Elizabeth. School. Sewed Stan’s jacket. Pressed pockets. Had stomach cramps. Called Eleanor. Didn’t go to school. Transplanted red raspberries. Sewed jacket. Julie had Patty Foster for lunch.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Worked on Stan’s jacket. Rained hard. Went to Kroger & Thrift. Got birthday present for Dawn. Picked Stan up at shop. Watched TV.

Fri – School. Went for milk & paid mortgage. Cleaned kitchen & bath. Worked on Stan’s jacket. Julie went to Dawn’s birthday party. I cut front grass. Washed Harry’s uniform. Marion called.

Sat – Nice day. Went to store & bookmobile. Cleaned living room, etc. Harry had game. Washed clothes. Kids cut back grass. Julie had practice. Stan & boys covered grease trap. Rain in eve.

Sun – Rain. Sewed Stan’s jacket. Had to move buttons (finished). Called Mary. Read paper. Kids got baths. Stan sorted papers for taxes.

Mon – School. Put load of clothes on. Took Julie to Dr. (ears). Stopped at store. Finished washing. Swept & mopped cellar. Changed sheets. Gathered up stuff for IRS.


Thu – Stan took me to work. Worked on body of Plymouth car. Stopped at store on way home. Washed clothes & knitted.

Fri – Nice day. Stan took me to work & got car inspected. Changed machine. Terrible. Had quick supper. Took Greg to class play. Went to bank & store. Elaine came with new car “Honda Civic”. Got boxes.

Sat – Slept later. Stan took Harry to game. Julie’s game cancelled – rain. Cleaned & washed clothes. Stan & I went to Greg’s class play “Man who Came to Dinner”. Dan A. called.

Sun – Dave, Ivan & Harry went to Geauga Lake, Ohio. Elaine came – just 5 for supper. Called Marion. Stan took Mrs. Iames to hospital to see Bob. Kids home in eve. & took baths.

Mon – School. Worked in back with Robin. Stan went back to shop. I washed clothes in eve. Marion called. Shyla had puppies (6).

Tue School. I worked. Stan drove down to West Va. Dave got the food stamps & I went to store. He fixed fresh fish – very good dinner. Made spaghetti sauce for tomorrow.

Wed – School. Worked. Tired. Felt blue. Cried & sewed all afternoon. Elaine stopped to get truck to move things. Stan drove me to work. Simca had blown head gasket.


Fri – School. Cleaned house. Washed clothes. Marry called – Pap in hospital. Made tuna noodle casserole. Stan took Pontiac to get fixed. Took Mrs. Iames to card party in Subaru – late. Won swan.

Sat – Slept late – so tired. Dave came with stuff from apartment. Washed clothes. Made beef stroganoff. Dave & Frank here for supper. Went to Kroger’s. Julie & Ivan slept over at Zarichansky’s.

Sun – Nice day. Stan got truck & moved stuff from Dave’s and stuff to the shop. Set up double bed upstairs. Guys worked so hard. Marion called – Don in hospital.

Mon – School. Rain all day. Washed 5 big loads of clothes. Sorted Frank’s clothes. Cellar a mess – depressing. Picked up Marion & went to Southside Hospital (Don & Pap).

Tue – School. Went to work. Dave made chili. Stopped at store. Stan went to Latrobe then McKeesport in eve.

Wed – School. Went to work. Stan fixed left over roast beef. Washed 3 loads of clothes. Called Marion. Don operated on for gall bladder.

Thu – School. Worked. Went early. Rested. Stan fixed chicken. Very good. Stella called about furniture for Bob. Called Mary.


Sat – Nice day. Marion called. Carolyn stopped with stamps. Went to S&H to get hedge clippers & got strawberries. Greg & Ivan worked ground & planted strawberries. Carol came. Showed pictures.

Sun – Nice. Slept late. Changed to daylight savings. Bill & Carolyn stopped. Felt lazy. Made chicken. Harry had job. Had ad in paper about Subaru – no calls. Dave stopped.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & Frank mopped. Changed sheets. Made chicken casserole. Went to bank & store. Drove Stan to bowling alley. (Signed for next year.) Julie made whapples. Dave visited.

Tue – School. Wrote checks. Made chili & chiffon cake. Read “Blue Man”. Called Mary. Worked in garden. Julie watered garden. Went to bed early.

Wed – School. Showered early. Took Greg to work. Went to bank & store. Made galumpkies. Took Mrs. Iames to Parkvale. Washed 1 load. Went to bank & Krogers with Stan. Filled out check card.

Thu – School. Up early. Planted tomatoes & grass before rain. Washed clothes. Called Marion. Made apple pizza & stew & coleslaw. Took Julie to H.S. for shots. Long wait. Went to milk store & Giant Eagle.

Fri – School. Julie home (shot reaction). Stan home sick. Cleaned house. Went to bank & post office. Had fresh fish. Called Mary.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 22 - April 28, 1974-1978


Mon – School. Drove Stan to Latrobe. Stopped at store. Eleanor called. Grace, Regina & Elaine called. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Stan went to Harrisburg. Dave, Frank helped Elaine move. Rain.

Tue – School. Got dressed to see Eleanor at Isaly’s. Went to K-Mart & Shop & Save. Straightened house. Cool & rain. Cut out Julie’s top & skirt. Marion called. Stan came home. Talked.

Wed- School. Washed hair. Cleaned out refrigerator. Took Harry & Greg to dentist. Left Greg’s glasses at Siegel’s. Stan & I went to Bill & Carol’s in Simca. Nice house.

Thu – School. Put load of clothes on. Went to Regina’s for nomination committee. Planted rose bush. Ironed & put away clothes. Stan went to shop. Took Ivan & Julie to Harry’s concert. Very good program.

Fri – School. Washed all screens. Marion & Grace called. Cleaned kitchen & living room. Took Greg to work & went to store. Relaxed & watched TV. Dave went up to State College.

Sat – Drove Frank to game. Went to store. Washed clothes. Made pies. Kids cleaned. Went to Elaine’s for supper – Stan & I. The kids didn’t clean up at all – mess. Disgusted.

Sun – Had kids pick up balloons. Worked on weeds. Had kids cut back grass. I cut front grass. Stan worked on awning. Julie went to birthday party. Ivan & Harry had ball practice.


Tue – School. Made stuffed peppers & galumpkies. Harry got sick at school (got him). Iced cake. Cleaned. Elaine & Don came out. Had 21st birthday. Elaine opened presents & washed clothes.

Wed – School. Harry home sick. Eleanor called. Washed clothes. Did homework. Julie went with Leslie. Planted pussy willow. Kids cleaned car. Didn’t go to school. Stan & I didn’t go to show (Frank). Went to store. Rain.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Frank took shower & went to look for job. Rain. Stan & I went to Ivan’s 7th grade spring concert. Recorded.

Fri – Rain. Baked orange chiffon & cookies. Cleaned kitchen & bath. Uncle Bill H. came out. Took Julie & Harry to library. Stopped at Elaine’s apartment.

Sat – Stan tried to get Frank to dig drainage. Hassle. Washed clothes. Packed Frank’s clothes. Weeded. Thinned Hosta & transplanted berries. Frank left.

Sun – Nice day. Greg & Harry dug up grease-trap. Harry changed tire. Kids & I cut back grass. Frank came back. Felt badly. Cut Greg’s & trimmed Harry’s hair.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Called Dr. Baum about Frank. Changed sheets. Tired. Straightened house. Priscilla came. Closed out books for Cl. Tool.


Thu – School. Worked. Julie had field trip to “Old Economy”. Washed 1 load of clothes. Elaine called early (4:30AM). Cut eye – went to hospital. Tired. Went to bed early.

Fri – School. Went to work. Went to Roy Rogers for lunch. Nice day. Frank showered & took clothes & moved in on Rt 51. Felt dizzy. Knitted & watched TV.

Sat – Nice day. Ambulance came for Mrs. Iames. Washed clothes & cleaned house. Stan helped. Went to store.

Sun – Changed to Daylight Savings. Made cake & chicken soup. Cut out & sewed smock top. Made meat loaf. Kids went down to mines. All got baths.

Mon – School. Cold – 37 degrees. Worked. Stan’s car wouldn’t start. Got new coil for Simca. Washed clothes in evening. Mended. Elaine called – starts work May 10.

Tue – Stan drove me to work. He got radiator for Plymouth fixed. Stan & I voted on way home from work. Marion called. Our Bill called. Greg home. Dave swept & mopped & cooked supper.

Wed – Stan drove me to work. Took car for inspection – needs more patching. Washed clothes. Bill Hatfield came out.


Fri – Home. Washed clothes. Cleaned house. Dave came & took things to shop. Stayed for supper. Stan moved equipment. Home late. Ivan went to party.

Sat – Rain. Went to store. Had Bar-B-Q chicken – dry. Stan & I went for milk & stopped at Dave’s. Left chicken & salad & took plant.

Sun – Rain. Kids changed some furniture. Watched “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”. Watched last 2 hours “Upstairs, Downstairs”. Dave came over. Kids got baths.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Stan took Julie to Pitt Dental. Cleaned upstairs. Went to store. Cooked sauerkraut & pork. Iced cake. Went to Gimbel’s. Bought linens & boys shirts.

Tue – School. Worked. Busy. Stan fixed supper. Marion called. Made ice tea. Took out zipper from top. Showered.

Wed – School. Frost. Went to work. Cashed check on lunch hour. Stopped at store. Fire down at mines. Cut some back & front grass. Bob Iames getting pacemaker adjusted. Bob Iames in hospital.

Thu – School. Went to work. Rain. Picked up Greg & took him to Red Bull Inn Help Mrs. Iames fix bed for Sherry. Played cards & watched TV “When TV was Young”.


Sat – Made pancakes. Harry had job. Ivan took bike to Dave’s. Got there about 1 hour. Went to store. Gail Guenther came. She & Julie worked on project. Julie went to her house (overnight). Greg went to look at car. Bill & Stella came.

Sun – Nice day. Read paper. Kids cut grass. Weeded & straightened outside. Made stuffing & pork. Harry worked afternoon. Got Julie from Guenther’s. Knitted. Watched TV. Dave stopped. Carol & Jim came for little Mo.

Mon – School. Stan drove Julie (project). I drove Greg to work. Washed clothes. Swept. Frank mopped. Changed sheets. Went to bank & store. Had beef stroganoff. Watched TV & knitted (moneychangers). Dave came to wash clothes.

Tue – School. Frank went to work with Stan. Did outside work. Had Bar-B-Q pork & potatoes. Fixed strawberries. Watched TV & knitted.

Wed – School. Called Marion & Mary. Made cranberry beans & ham. Made Texas sheet cake. Did follow-up questionnaire on Pitt research. Elaine called. Stan & I went to Harry’s spring concert. Washed clothes (1 load).

Thu – School. Called Eleanor. Washed clothes. Worked on trees with boreworm. Put up 1st screen upstairs. Knitted. Bill came with ’71 Volvo. Liked it. Frank worked Ponderosa (painted).

Fri – School. Cleaned house. Washed front window. Bill came with car again. Harry went to town for job. Went to store. Patti Z. slept over with Julie. Frank worked Ponderosa.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 15 - April 21, 1974-1978


Mon – No school. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Kids had ball practice. Cold. Straightened. Ate early. Went to Gimbels in town.

Tue – School. Took Ivan to dental clinic. Carol came for lunch. Went to bank & store. Had steak. Stan worked at shop. Washed clothes in eve.

Wed- School. Stan not feeling well. Went late. Took shower. Put peat moss around berry bushes. Went to store & Penneys. Bought Frank trousers. Got material. Kids cut grass. Had ball practice. Worked on Carol’s drapes.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Grace called (3 times). Changed Julie’s sheets. Kids cut back grass. Bill & Stella came. Gave Stan hair cut. Bill’s Carol came for supper (T Bird not running right.)

Fri – School. Drove Ivan to dental clinic. Went to store. Cleaned kitchen. Carol called. Elaine & Mary called.

Sat – Stan worked at shop. Washed clothes. Frank had game. Cleaned living room. Cut front grass. Kids cleaned & took down X-mas lights. Dave helped Carol & Jim move to new home. Watched TV.

Sun – Nice day. Slept late. Stuffed chicken. Went to flea market. Got Elaine dishes, etc. Wrote checks for company. Carol & Jim stopped out. Brought boxes back.


Tue – School. Took Ivan to Pitt dental. Carol came for lunch. Greg home sick. Went to bank & store. Did homework. Watched TV. Marion called.

Wed – School. Stan signed up. Took Plymouth for inspection. Went to store for pattern & material. Took Harry’s baseball uniform to school. Cut out dress & apron. Sewed apron. Went to night school. Called Priscilla.

Thu – School. Julie had field trip. Took pictures. Washed clothes. Washed hair. Gathered up information for food stamps. Mrs. Benack came. Stan, Julie, Ivan & I went to Harry’s concert.

Fri – School. Went to town for food stamps. Took all business records. Had difficulty starting car. Stopped at store. Stan went back to shop. Sewed dress. Marion called. Kids showed movies.

Sat – Rain. Harry’s game called off. Washed clothes. Finished my dress. Took Julie to ball practice. Went to store. Cleaned kitchen & bath.

Sun – Cold. Read paper. Kids got hamburgers from McDonalds. Ivan made cake. Called Mary. Had steak. Sorted paper & read. Packed Dave’s sport coat & wrote letter. Kids got baths.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Drained water over hill. Swept & mopped. Changed sheets. Went to bank & store. Made ice tea, juice & baked cake. Stan went to Carbide Eng. meeting.


Thu – School. Worked. Got slow so made Harry gym bag. Stan got milk. He went back to shop. Washed 1 load.

Fri – Good Friday. Very warm. Worked half day. Went to store. Fight at home (Frank, Greg). Hatfield’s stopped. Washed windows & put up screens. Went to store again. Hatfields came again. Stayed till 12:00.

Sat – Tired. Up early. Made nut rolls & cake. Washed clothes. Frank carried on about check. He called police. Made potato salad. Stan fixed supper. Felt very blue.

Sun – Hot day (record 96 degrees). Elaine here. Ivan & Julie up at 4:30 to look for baskets. Carol came lunch time with ham. Visited. Dave, Harry & Ivan took ride to Greensburg. Bill stopped.

Mon – Nice day. Hot (88 degrees). No school. I worked. Stan drove me. Kids washed clothes, swept & mopped. Ivan & Julie cleaned up, too. Harry cooked supper. Ivan & Julie cut front grass. Kids got baths, cut hair. Picked up Plymouth.

Tue – Kids back to school. Worked. Got material for shorts & top. Planted portulaca on hill. Watered. Stan got milk. Dave cooked supper. Went to library. Greg had play practice. Tired. Cut out shorts.

Wed – School. Worked. Had Easter left-overs for supper. Washed 1 load. Greg had play practice. Stan went to Hydro-Carbide. His samples were good.


Fri – School. Ivan & Julie back. Cleaned screens. Washed clothes. Mr. McCall called from Tumacs – to start Tuesday. Replanted some dead seedlings. Read back papers.

Sat – Up early. Washed Dave’s clothes & bedroom drapes. Cleaned windows in bedroom. Dug weeds. Ivan cut front grass. Stan got furnaces. Watched “Upstairs, Downstairs”. Called Marion. Tired.

Sun – Cleaned kitchen & bath. Julie & I went to Marion’s – took tomato plants. Made baked potatoes & round steak. Kids took baths. Watched “Upstairs, Downstairs”. Bill H. came out.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Dave came with Frank’s clothes. Changed sheets. Went to store. Julie whipped cream & strawberry pie. Made out checks.

Tue – First day back at work. Bill & Bob came in truck to get Stan to get furnaces. Made pork chops & tator tots. Made spaghetti sauce. Stan home very late for supper.

Wed – Went to work. Stopped at store on way home. Carol here. Stan fixed spaghetti. She helped with taxes. I was tired. (told about new job).

Thu – Went to work (up early & weeded). Tired. Hot & humid. Stan fixed supper. Called Marion. Drove Stan into Hatfield’s to pick up chains & things.


Sat – Greg took batteries to Bluestone. Stan went to shop. I took Ivan to McKeesport. Got tooth pulled. Washed clothes. Harry had practice then worked. Made chicken & spraetzel & bean sprouts. Carol & Jim brought Little Mo.

Sun – Read paper. Had soup & French toast. Kids worked on cars. Helped Julie clean up her room. Marion called. Had broiled steak & mushrooms. Watched TV. Stan talked to Frank.

Mon – School. Frank bathed & took off. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped. Hospital going to set up appointment for Frank. Made Swedish flop. Marion called. Called Mary. Ivan & Julie went to ballgame with Dave. Phillies 6 – Pirates 2.

Tue – School. Julie had ear ache. Home. Frank worked on school form. Rained. Made pudding. Cut Mrs. Iames hair. Went to milk store & store. Watched “Holocaust” on TV.

Wed – School. Made cake & icing. Made borscht. Called Stella. Rain. Stan & I went to Julie’s 6th grade concert. Good.

Thu – school. Frank went to work with Stan. Washed clothes. Worked on company books. Started Elaine’s sweater. Went to Goodwill. Went to store. Bill H. called.

Fri – School. Rain. Cleaned house. Cooler. Made chiffon cake & strawberries. Had lasagna & fish. Stan & I went to Mary’s & Paps. Visited. Stopped at store.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

April 8 - April 14, 1974-1978


Mon –School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Went to store. Got Carol’s material. Stan went to Carbide Eng. meeting. Mended clothes.

Tue – School. Cut out & sewed Carol’s drapes. Took Harry to work & got milk. Dave took Julie & Ivan to Carol’s (Carol tried drapes.) Went to PTO meeting. Bill had accident with Mazda.

Wed- School. Called Marion. Called insurance. Worked on Carol’s drapes. Started to take Bill to Dr. Stan came home early & took him. Went to store. Carol Savage stopped out. Went back to store for buckram.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Swept a little. Sewed. Mended Bill’s slacks. Sponged blood off coat. Frank had game. Harry had practice.

Fri – No school. Stan was home. Went to store ($46.00) for ham, kielbossy, etc. Cleaned living room & kitchen. Kids cut front grass. Rained. Transplanted rest of seedlings to pots. Carol called.

Sat – Washed clothes. Stan went to shop to work. Made potato salad & dyed eggs. Iced cake. Harry went all day fishing. Stan bought 1st watermelon half. Took Julie to K-Mart. Got peat moss. Easter bunny came.

Sun – Easter. Julie was up at 5:30AM. Cloudy but no rain. Elaine & Don came. Carol K. came. Dottie stopped. Leslie Watko came up. Had soup, ham, potato salad & cake. Bill, Harry, Frank went to shop in evening.


Tue – School. Worked outside. Got notice about IRS audit. Wrapped presents for Elaine’s coming birthday (21st). Went to political meeting to meet judges (Stan & I)

Wed – School. Went to store. Baked cherry pies & cookies. Went to school. Stopped at Haines.

Thu – School. Washed clothes. Worked on accounting project. Stan got Plymouth worked on by Bill. Marion called. Called Priscilla Austin.

Fri – School. Cleaned living room, etc. Cleaned kitchen & cabinet tops. Elaine & Don came out. Helped Elaine wash clothes (they went to drive in.) Drove out to get Dave’s jacket (Arico’s).

Sat – Washed clothes. Kids cleaned. Julie had practice. Chilly. Harry had game. Carol called. Had disagreement with Frank.

Sun –Read paper. Nice day. Thinned Hosta. Cut front grass. Julie fertilized. Kids cut back. Watched TV “Queen Elizabeth”. Frank not to eat with us.

Mon – School. Washed clothes. Swept & mopped cellar. Changed sheets. Gathered twigs & buildt fire. Took Ivan to practice & went to K-Mart.


Thu – School. Worked at T. Fixed frozen fried chicken. Washed 1 load. Made spaghetti sauce. Stan bought rolls. Marion called. Bruce & Robin came to look at Dave’s car (paint).

Fri – Worked at T’s. Payday. School. LaVerne wasn’t at work. Girls & I went to lunch at Ralph’s. Drove to water C. for copy of check. Went to store. Made juice & ice tea & started chicken soup. Stan got milk.

Sat – Nice day. Washed clothes. Kids dup up sewer & cleaned out grease trap. Frank backfilled. Stan worked on upstairs toilet. Tobin gave Julie clothes.

Sun – Cold. Read paper. Had pancakes. Put fertilizer on evergreens. Sprayed clover weed killer. Baked cake & blueberry muffins. Made roast & port chops. Kids got baths.

Mon – School. Went to work 21 degrees – record cold. Frank washed clothes & went to see about job. Folded & ironed clothes & put away. Fixed strawberries. Stan went to Carbide Engineers.

Tue –School. Worked. Stan took Ivan to dental clinic. He went to bank. Washed clothes. Elaine came. Here for supper. Dave took her & Julie to Oakland & he & Frank went to library.

Wed – School. Worked. Harry hit line drive to coach – Mr. Wilson. Dave cooked supper. Didn’t take Frank to Eastland. Julie had practice. Took her to K-Mart. Got shoes & dress.


Fri – No school. Made potato salad. Kids dyed eggs. Cleaned & made cake. Stan varnished hall.

Sat – Had our Easter celebration. Kids got baskets. Had soup, ham, potato salad, etc. Elaine came. Crocheted top fits. She went out in eve. Kids got baths, gathered clothes, etc.

Sun – Up early. Packed & made sandwiches. Elaine took Ivan & Julie. Stan & I went in Subaru. Elaine bought hoagies for supper. She drove us down town Washington to sight see.

Mon – Julie, Ivan, Stan & I drove to downtown Washington. Walked around – mailed post cards. Very hot at Elaine’s apartment. She made baked pot. & fish & turnovers (very good).

Tue – Up early. We all went for drive to Rehoboth Beach. Ate at De Broak Inn. Good. Kids enjoyed water (cold). Nice day. Nice ride back to Elaine’s.

Wed – We went to Washington. Went on tour mobile. Ivan & Julie went on paddle boats on the Tidal Basin. Just missed getting a ticket (parking). Stan visited Dan & Bob Prosafoski. 90 degrees.

Thu – Up very early. Made lunch to bring home & cleaned up Elaine’s apartment. Arrived home 2:30. Unpacked, washed clothes. Dave was here. Fixed supper with left-overs. Called Marion.


Sat – Julie had oboe lesson – found out I should pay. Washed clothes. Harry had game & worked (Benack). Went to store. Had quarter pounders. Buildt fire at Mrs. Iames wood pile. Took walk with Julie. Marion home from hospital.

Sun – Nice day. Slept late. Read paper. Boys worked on cars. Stan worked on Simca. Swept all cinders in front. Made cake & meatloaf. Dave came. Stayed for supper. Worked on tax forms.

Mon – School. Ivan home sick. Washed clothes. Swept. Frank mopped. Marion called. Called Mary. Made lasagna. Harry had came – then worked. Went to store & milk store. Dave came to watch baseball game.

Tue – School. Harry & Julie both home sick. Frank looked for work. Julie cleaned out cupboard. Silver polished flute. Stan worked on aid application for Greg. Read.

Wed – School. Called Eleanor. Cleaned all the screens. Baked orange cookies, brownies & bread. Made chili. Worked on top border. Read. Called Stella.

Thu – School. Frank went to McKeesport with Stan. Greg couldn’t get car started. Washed clothes. Cleaned. Went to bank, store & got Greg. Had hot dogs & baked beans. Harry & Greg went to Dorothy’s & got stereo & clothes.

Fri – School. Drove Greg to work. Went to store & Murphy Mart. Ate lunch. Paid water bill & got milk. Pd. car insurance & went to Kroger. Had soup & fish. Harry worked. Dave & Bill stopped over. Elaine called.