Saturday, August 27, 2005

August 28 - September 3, 1964-1968


Fri – Canned tomatoes. They paved new Coal Valley Road. Took Frank shopping. Bought birthday presents. Dad called. Knitted. Relaxed. Washed kitchen & bath.

Sat – Fixed Frank’s birthday cake. Cleaned house. Frank had nice birthday. Our Bill called and we are to pick him up.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS or church. Stan & I went to Parkersburg, W. Va. to get Bill. Ate lunch down there. On our way home lost recap off tire & bought peaches. Carol took care of children & did good job.

Mon – Worked on peaches – 28 qts. Washed clothes. Busy. Fixed dill pickles & canned beets. Kids got baths. Very tired. Stan started vacation. TV broke.

Tue – Fixed tomatoes. Canner full of sauce. Straightened up house. Mom called. Dad came out with Daisy & Joe to see house. Canned tomatoes. Stan went to see Mom. I took D-E-G-H to drive-in “Unsinkable Molly Brown”.

Wed – Ironed & mended clothes. Stan put in Carol’s door & glass in cellar door. Fixed tomatoes & grapes. Stan took Greg to Dr. (poison ivy). Made jelly. Bill H. came out.

Thu – Slept late. Washed clothes. Dad came out to talk to Stan about building upstairs. Went to Velma Bell’s to pick up canning jars. Stayed for evening.


Sat – Dad came out. Drove me to get spring for Plymouth. Sewed. Dad worked upstairs. Took Plymouth to Eastland to get tire fixed (new one). Went to store. Bought Frank’s birthday cake.

Sun – Went to SS with Ivan & Harry. Stopped at store. Had Frank’s birthday at lunch time. Washed clothes. Stan cut wood for burning. Frank got new clothes and buffalo hunter set. Got Bill from work.

Mon – Slept late. Ironed clothes. Sewed. Went to store & bread store. Got wall board. Sewed Carol’s clothes for school. Watched TV. Got Bill from work.

Tue – Washed clothes. Ironed. Aunt Eleanor & Cathy stopped out. Finished Carol’s jacket & mended clothes. Got Bill from work.

Wed – Rainy day. Played cards. Made spaghetti & meatballs. Took Carol to get haircut & took Bill to work. Stopped at Roberta Klaus to give her birthday present. Picked & canned tomatoes.

Thu – Stan’s vacation. Took Bill & Frank to dentist. Took Bill to town to eye driver’s test. Called girls about TOPS. Stan got ladder. Bill went to show (“Bikini”). Took kids to drive-in. Saw “Tickle Me” & “Help”.

Fri – Bill worked daylight. Stan slept late. Took Elaine to Dr. Gold (orthodontist). Kids helped clean house. Carol helped Stan paint house. Watched TV. Bill slept out.


Sun – Went back to sleep. Stan had to work. Fixed roast. Called Mom. Called Mrs. Stickle. Made pop corn for kids.

Mon – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed. Carol baked Frank’s birthday cake & decorated it. Went to Mrs. Stickles. Stan got bed & desks. Stan took Frank bowling & went to store.

Tue – Worked on beds. Put up Carol’s new bed. Moved Carol’s to boys room. Brought down single bed for Ivan & took down crib. Carol, Elaine & Ivan went to eye Dr. Went to Mom’s to pick up kids.

Wed – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed. Mrs. Stickle came over. Stan got dresser. Went to Haines. Bought pop. Kids built fire. Burned old ladders & crib.

Thu – Worked upstairs in Boy’s room. Cleaned & rearranged. Sorted clothes. Stan & I went to store. Got paint.

Fri – Kids helped me clean house. Sorted clothes. Stan played ball with kids. Stan went to Bill Riley’s. Carol & I painted hall.

Sat – Slept late. Stan didn’t work. Went to get old Ford inspected. Took bowling ball to get fixed. Carol & I went shopping. Stan worked on car. Kids cut grass. I picked tomatoes.


Mon – Washed clothes. Bill & Malone slept in car. Burned rubbish. Started to rain. Folded clothes. Couldn’t find keys to car. Stan went bowling. Went to store.

Tue – Made birthday cake. Ironed clothes. Mended. Had birthday supper. Frank got clothes & baseball & yo-yo. Kids cut grass. Stan cut grass. Played cards. Cut out nightgown.

Wed – Cleaned sweeper bags. Washed hair. Made apple pies. Carol went to Hornes. Got new raincoat. Sewed nightgown. Took bath.

Thu – Washed clothes. Went to laundromat to dry. Stopped at store. Fixed chicken & corn. Went to TOPS (-1). Poor attendance.

Fri – Ironed clothes. Cleaned & mopped cellar. Carol babysat at Watko’s. Stan took Frank to see about bike. Picked tomatoes, cucumbers & peaches. Sliced cucumbers.

Sat – Stan sanded paint off bathroom. Washed clothes. Made pickles. Went to store. Carol took D, E & F to Pirate ballgame (9-1) (Phillies). Made dough.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS. Fixed & baked rolls. Baked cake. Carol took Bill to visit relatives. Made meatloaf. Stan started to lay tile in bathroom. Addressed invitation to Dad’s party.


Wed – Washed clothes. Changed sheets. Washed hair (mine & Julie’s). Frank got birthday card from Sibyl. Went to store.

Thu – Made birthday cake & galumpkies. Took Frank shopping. Frank got 2 shirts, underwear, socks & Risk game & desk lamp. Carol & I went to Mayfair. Picked out 2 couches & chairs.

Fri – Cleaned bedroom. Went to bank & store. Cleaned kitchen. Stan worked on scaffolding. Knitted Elaine’s sweater.

Sat – Stan laid block of garage. Set in 2 windows. I got cement brick – 2 loads. Washed clothes. Went to store. Ironed. Carol washed the car.

Sun – Stan laid block for garage. Ironed clothes. Took wood off steps. Gathered wood & extra matter from front yard. Raked yard. Carol went to Smothers Brothers show.

Mon – Labor day. Rained in morning. Made donuts. Went to K-Mart. Stan worked on garage. Put weed killer on front lawn. Got apples from Ramsey’s. Washed heads & kids got baths.

Tue – First day school. Took pictures. Washed clothes. Made apple pies. Janie came up for Carol. Stan got angle for over garage door.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

August 21 - 27, 1964-1968


Fri – Dad came out with Dave’s clarinet. Told him about raft. Bill got ready. Made sauerkraut & meat balls. Took bill to raft. Home. Stan, F, G, & H & me looked for raft. Docked at Elizabeth.

Sat – Went to bridge at Duquesne to see raft go by. Very slow. Canned tomatoes. Dad called. Raft got to Pgh at 3:30. Watched TV. Kids got baths. Carol went to drive-in with Jane.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS or church. Slept late. Stan picked tomatoes & corn. I canned tomatoes, baked pied & made cole slaw. Stan went in to see his mother.

Mon – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed clothes. Raft news on TV (missed them). Went to Haines for big order. Got gas.

Tue – Went to doctors (clinic). Pastor Pease came for Oahspe(?). Took Carol & Greg to dentist. Went to bank (pd. Mortgage & phone bill) Went to bookmobile, bread store & regular store. Picked tomatoes. Bill Weirton called.

Wed – Dad came out. We worked on tomatoes & apples & cucumbers. Big job, 8 qts pickles, 9 qts tomatoes, 9 pts applesauce. Stan went out. Played piano.

Thu – Cleaned kitchen and bathroom. Took Carol & Greg to dentist. Washed clothes. Picked tomatoes. Knitted & watched TV. Mom called.


Sat – Mended. Sewed 2nd living room pillow. Elaine walked in to Moms. We all drove in to get her. Took Bonnie home. Took children to Observation and Incline ride. Home late.

Sun – Slept late. Didn’t go to SS or church. Went to store. Fixed roast & made chocolate pie. Worked crosswords & contests. Watched TV.

Mon – Washed clothes. Washed hair. Took Bill to get hair cut but not opened. Found Bill’s wallet & $2.00. F & D had spent $3.00. Picked tomatoes, peaches & grapes. Canned tomatoes.

Tue – Bill worked daylight. Got haircut. Ironed clothes. Made grape jelly. Boys worked on wood pile. Went to bookmobile & bread store. Bought material for Carol’s suit (blue & white). Watched JFK special on TV.

Wed – Bill worked daylight. Cut out Carol’s clothes. Sewed white skirt & top. Went to Haines for order. Made milkshakes. Stan made cat a shelter.

Thu – Bill worked daylight. Took Dave to dentist. Went to bank & Busy Beaver. Sewed. Took Carol & Elaine shopping for school shoes.

Fri – Kids helped me clean house. Baked rolls & cake. Took Frank to South Hills village for birthday presents. Couldn’t get Plymouth tire fixed.


Sun – Read paper. Gave Julie bath. Stan worked on car. Carol sewed blouse. I weeded garden. Boys cut grass. Went to Haines.

Mon – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed. Stan took Carol to store. Went bowling. Mended.

Tue – Fed Julie. Went to town. Exchanged bedspreads. Stopped at baker shop. Got kids ready. Went to Dad’s. Showed & took pictures.

Wed – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed. Went to Haines. Got order. Put away groceries. Bill, Marsha & baby came out. Didn’t leave until 1:00 o’clock.

Thu – Very tired. Worked on bills. Went to Kroger’s & bank. Mailed payments.

Fri – Cleaned my bedroom. Kids helped clean house. Cleaned kitchen. Took Carol to church. She went to pizza party. Won door prize. Jim came & sold us family insurance (Metropolitan).

Sat – Washed clothes, folded, ironed & put away. Carol went to party. Took Frank to shop for birthday. He picked catchers mitt. Bill H. Came out with kids. Young Bill & Marsha left for home (California).


Mon – Made pickles (20 qts). Washed clothes (twice). Hung outside. Finished Julie’s sweater. Stan took kids to drive-in “The Dirty Dozen”. Put corn meal on the rug.

Tue – Ironed clothes. The kids & I went swimming. Had good time. Had hot dogs & corn on the cob. Went to bookmobile & store & bread store. Bill & Stella came out late.

Wed – Read the book “I’ll Cry Tomorrow”. Fixed fr. cucumbers & chicken. Went to store. Got Carol sweater & Elaine material for dress.

Thu – Had bad cold. Made telephone calls about bike. Went to TOPS (+3). Didn’t stay. Stan took Frank to see about bike.

Fri – Took rug outside. Got shampooer. Took turns. Went to K-Mart for purse & slip. Sewed Elaine’s red dress. Bill called. Coming home for 15 day leave. Carol went down to Jane’s.

Sat – Kids helped me clean. Went to Option Supply for salt & store. Malone came for Stan & Bill to see car. Wrote letters.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS. Took Elaine & Frank to see “Sound of Music”. Poured down rain. Gave boys haircuts. Stan & I went to see Dad (movies) and Mom & Pap. Bought ice cream pets.


Wed – Stan sick. Stayed home. Washed clothes. Ironed. Made meat loaf & baked potatoes. Took kids to drive-in. “With Six You get Egg-Roll” & “Flim-Flam Man”.

Thu – Slept late. Hot & humid. Went to store. Dad came out. Frank baked cake for David’s anniversary for batting ball 100 times. Took sweeper to get fixed. Took bath.

Fri – Washed clothes. Ironed. Cleaned the kitchen. Kids helped clean. Went to the store. Made potato salad. Carol went to drive-in with Angelo.

Sat – Cement truck came early. Bob Iames & Walter Gubala helped Stan pour concrete. Big job. Had to get extra cement. Poured rain. Fixed lunch for the men. Carol went down Janie’s.

Sun – Stan got fellow from town to help lay block. Worked crosswords & baffler. Finished Julie’s sweater. Carol went with Jane to mountains. Wrote Bill.

Mon – Washed clothes. Straightened up house. Went to Eastland. Got sweaters for girls & shirts for boys.

Tue – Ironed. Tried on clothes (kids). Cleaned up living room. Sewing machine wouldn’t work right. Gathered up excess cement chunks in front. Went into see Pap & my Dad. Pap tried hearing aid.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

August 14 - 20, 1964-1968


Fri – Slept late. Cleaned house. Picked peaches & tomatoes. Canned two cans of tomatoes. Sliced peaches for supper. Elaine baked cookies. Played 66. Stan watched football game on TV.

Sat – Stan had to work. I went shopping. Baked Stan’s birthday cake. He got T-shirt, socks & cigarettes. Kids got baths. Watched TV.

Sun – Took G & H to SS with me. Slept in afternoon. Had roast. Canned tomato sauce. Fixed peaches. Stan called Mom. I called Stella. Bill hurt his back.

Mon – Washed clothes. Ironed & folded clothes. Took Ivan to store. Kids slept out. Had wiener roast. Rained. Had to come in.

Tue – Went to doctors. Straightened house. Ivan broke shoe polish bottle on bed. Washed bed clothes. Stan took Bill & Carol to get glasses. Made molasses candy.

Wed – Stan didn’t go to work – sick. Dad came out Built David’s paper box. Drove Bill & kids to raft project. Home.

Thu – Washed clothes. Baked cake. Carol ironed. Went to store. Got supplies for wiener roast. After supper went to raft. Had wiener roast & ceremonies.


Sat – Dad came out. Put on more wallboard. Puttied floor board. Made booties for Mrs. Watko. Took kids to shopping center. Got ice cream cones. Kids got baths. Stella & Bill stopped out.

Sun – Went to SS and store. Stan worked in afternoon. Washed clothes. Mom called. Had birthday dinner. Stan got new shirt, socks, rule & cigars. Watched TV.

Mon – Another hot day. Washed. Ironed. Folded. Took Bill to work (daylight). Went to store. Watered trees. Watched TV. Bill went all night bowling. Called Martha Snyder.

Tue – Hot again. Slept late. Made new living room pillow. Bill worked daylight. Took extra cat over Glassport. Bob Snyder called. Took booties to Agnes Watko.

Wed – Slept late. Fighting cold. Lazy. Hemmed Elaine’s jumper. Knitted. Took walk to school.

Thu – Rainy. Had kids clean cellar. Took Bill to work. Went to store. Took Carol to party. Made galumpkie for tomorrow.

Fri – Washed clothes. Kids cleaned house. Baked peach & custard pie. Burned rubbish. Knitted Carol’s dickey.


Sun – up early. Baked rolls. Rained. Dressed Julie. Went to Mom’s. Carol fixed potatoes for roast. Stopped at Haines & Isaly’s. Watched TV.

Mon – Washed clothes. Folded & put away. Carol baked angel food. Made whipped cream icing. Stan got new watch, tie tack, socks & undershirts. Stan went bowling.

Tue – Ironed clothes. Washed hair. Made egg custard. Weeded the flowers in front. Took Frank, Greg, Ivan to store. Frank bought baseball. Bill H. & kids came out.

Wed- Washed clothes again. Folded & ironed. Got gas & oil for mower. Dave & Frank cut grass. Went to Haines. Took shower.

Thu – Mended clothes. Carol set my hair. Polished nails. Got dressed. Stan & I went out for dinner with Joe Szmanski. Had good time.

Fri – Mailed checks. To Fontana. Got saving bond for Julie. Kids helped me clean house. Went to Bartolotta, Kroger, Grants.

Sat – Stan’s day off. He worked on old Ford. Washed clothes. Went to Eastland. Bought new beds and linen for Stan & I. Folded clothes.


Mon – Washed clothes. Changed sheets. Elaine unpacked. Went to Thorofare. Got refrigerator cake for Stan’s birthday. Called Mom.

Tue – Took Ivan & Julie to baby clinic. Picked corn for supper. Went to store. Kids went swimming. Had birthday dinner. Stan got shorts, shirt, socks & bathing suit. Cut out Elaine’s dress.

Wed – Kids picked apples at Ondich’s. Baked apple & blueberry pies. Sewed Elaine’s babydoll dress. Finished it. Stan went bowling. Dad came out. Jane stayed for supper. Carol went riding around.

Thu – Washed hair. Washed clothes. Carol went to Kennywood. Kids went swimming. Elaine helped with supper. Went to TOPS picnic. Had good time.

Fri – Picked corn & planted maple tree seedlings. Ironed. Kids went swimming. Rained. Knitted.

Sat – Went to town. Got shoes for kids for school. Mix-up about bus. Stan got me at DeStefano. Got Julie & Ivan cleaned up. Went to see Mom.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS. Read paper & relaxed. Sewed Julie’s sweater together. Fixed roast & baked cake.


Wed – Carol took car. Washed hair. Cut out Carol’s dress. Went to store for Stan’s birthday.

Thu – Baked birthday cake. Washed clothes. Washed kitchen windows. Took Ivan & Frank to dentist. Stan got watch band, knit shirt, pots, socks. Stan & I & Elaine & friend went to ballgame (Pirates 2 – San Francisco 0)

Fri – Hot & humid. Rain. Cleaned kitchen. Kids cleaned their bedroom. Sewed Carol’s yellow dress. Went to store. Picked up things on lay away.

Sat – Kids cleaned. Washed clothes & ironed. Carol sewed jumpsuit. Stan worked on forms for front porch. Carol went to cook out at Jane’s. Played cards.

Sun – Read paper & relaxed. Hemmed Carol’s yellow dress. Stan worked on block. Worked crosswords & wrote Bill. Kids all got baths or showers.

Mon – Washed clothes. Elaine babysat & I went to South Hills Village. Got me shoes & shirts for the boys. Stopped at Haines. Talked with Dorothy Iames & knitted.

Tue – Took Julie to baby clinic – Booster shot. Went to Sears & Acme. Took Ivan & Elaine to dentist. Cut out Elaine’s shirt. Carol & I went in to Hatfield’s. She went to see Bobby to get hair cut. Stan laid block.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

August 7 - 13, 1964-68


Fri – Washed clothes. Kids cut grass. C & I cleaned kitchen cupboards. In eve ironed. Called Stella. They bought 60 Dodge. Stan & Bill watched All Star Football.

Sat – Cleaned house. Bill H. came out with kids and new car. Stan was working. Eloise Kearns brought Elaine home from camp. Went shopping.

Sun – Went to church. Sat in back and watched babies. Went to Grandma’s in afternoon. Took clarinet to Pap. Had baked chicken & potatoes (home). Stan cut grass.

Mon – Washed clothes. Baked cake. Called Helen (B had girl) Folded clothes. Ironed. Talk with Mrs. Stickle. Bob H. & Bill H. & kids came out late. Bob leaving for army.

Tue – Went to dermatologist clinic. Picked corn, tomatoes & peaches. Went to store, bank & took C to dentist. Had corn & wiener supper. Played flute & piano.

Wed – Dad came. Took Bill to get hair cut. Went to shopping center. Baked pies. Stan & I went to Memorial to see “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”.

Thu – Washed clothes. Ironed. Took Bill & Carol to get new glasses. Home late. Fix quickie supper. Took D-E-F-G-H to drive-in (It’s mad world).


Sat – Dad came out. Gave furniture 2nd coat of varnish. Got 2x4s & medicine cabinet. Break in water line at Polk’s. Stan & I drove to South Hills Village & the Meadows. Left early.

Sun – Went to SS. Taught lesson. Fixed lunch. Cleaned cellar. Mopped. Washed hair. Stan put in medicine cabinet. Cleaned up scraps.

Mon – Washed clothes. Ironed & folded. Stan worked upstairs. Watched TV.

Tue – Relaxed & read. Stan went out to the Meadows. Went shopping. Got plastic. Cut new tablecloths. Covered chairs.

Wed – Yarn came. Knitted Bill’s collar. Took kids swimming. Washed kitchen windows & hung new curtains.

Thu – Washed clothes. Folded & ironed. Mended clothes. Replaced zippers. Watched TV.

Fri – Kids helped clean house. Took kids swimming. Finished Bill’s sweater& washed it. Took Bill to work. Went shopping.


Sun – Slept late. Hot, humid day. Stan went to store. Stan cut grass. Rained. Stan taught kids 2 handed pinochle.

Mon – Washed clothes. Folded. Made meat loafs. Eleanor & Mary came out. Lisa Shiffler stopped. Stan worked late. Baked cookies. Insurance men came. Stan went bowling. Took shower.

Tue – Julie slept. Got Stan’s breakfast. Went back to bed. Washed hair. Ironed clothes. Went to Haines for order.

Wed – Slept late. Worked on checks. Pastor Pease came. Spent afternoon. Went to Penny’s & Kroger. Stan went to Bill Riley’s. Home late.

Thu – Washed clothes. Rained. Carol hung inside. Grace P called. Laura D called. Eloise had baby girl. Got mad at kids for noise. Bill H. came out.

Fri – Slept late. Washed kitchen windows & hung curtains. Dad came out. Brought Barnabas book. Carol picked corn. Helen & Caroline came out. Brought Julie gifts. Went to store. Carol got material.

Sat – Called Dr. Fontana. Cleaned bathroom& kitchen. Kids helped clean house. Stan took kids to drive-in. “Russians are Coming” and “What’s New, Pussycat?” Carol, Julie & I stayed home. Bill H. & kids came out.


Mon – Washed clothes. Mailed film & letter to Elaine. Picked beans & cucumbers. Sliced cucumbers.

Tue – Made pickles. Made galumpkies. Baked nut bread. Went to Bookmobile & Sears.

Wed – Rainy. Went to Hi-Level for 5,000 mile checkup & oil change. Went back in afternoon for wheel balance. Read “Trapp Family Singers”.

Thu – Washed clothes. Did all the blankets from beds. Ironed bedspreads & clothes. Stopped to see about bike (too late). Went to Tops (-4).

Fri – Kids helped clean. Cleaned kitchen. Made dough & fixed rolls. Went to bank & First Federal.

Sat – Stan slept late. Made pickles. Had corn from garden. Went to Liettes to get shoes. Carol went to town with Janie. Fixed cucumbers. Played cards.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS. Made pickles. Cleaned bedroom. Made a batch of root beer. Went in to Eleanor’s to get Elaine. Gave out presents & talked.


Wed – Got call about 3:15. Mom died. Stan went to hospital. Fixed him breakfast at 10:30. Went to store & made big batch of galumpkie. Took some to Pap. Went to funeral home - Elaine, Stan & myself.

Thu – Stan got salt & Gregory & Harry shoes. Got kids dressed. Stan took kids to funeral home. I stayed home with Julie & sewed Elaine’s dress. Went to funeral home. Carol drove kids home. Home late. Bill got extension of leave.

Fri – Carol took off work. Washed clothes. Went to store & baked cake. Went in afternoon & evening to funeral home. Ate at Nancy’s. Got call from Jerry. Carol went to airport.

Sat – Up early. Family got ready. Went to Mom’s funeral. Ivan & Julie stayed with Aunt Mary & Dad. Went to Caroline’s for lunch. Took pictures. Rained. Caz, John & Jerry stopped out

Sun – Up early. Mixed bread dough. Made potato soup. Malone took Bill to airport. Stan went to Pap’s for family meeting. Stan & I took Corvair for Caz.

Mon – Washed clothes. Tired. Stan came home at lunch & took nap. Stan took kids to Hypo game. He visited Caz & Kate. Caz returned car.

Tue – Carol took car to go to ball game. Ironed clothes & mended. Read & watched TV. (San Francisco 3 – Pirates 0)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

July 31 - August 6, 1964-1968


Fri – Elaine took music lesson. Ironed clothes. Carol & Elaine packed suitcases. Carol left for week end with Jo Ellen Lytle. Stan & I filled in the septic hole. Relaxed.

Sat- Stan worked. Drove Elaine to Kearn’s to go to camp. Said good-bye. Went to store. Cleaned house. Went to see B. S. raft. Home. Fixed pop & ice cream. Baths.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS or church. Baked cream puffs & meat loaf. Had meal at noon. Stan took G, I & H to visit Mom. Fixed late supper. Watched TV. Hemmed Elaine’s dress.

Mon – Raining. Washed hair. Carol came home. Sewed new nightie. Played cards. Stan home late. Went shopping. Took bath.

Tue – Went to clinic (dermatology). Got medicine. Washed clothes. Baked cake. Folded clothes. Bill helped cook his birthday dinner. Bathed. Played cards. Watched TV.

Wed – Dad came out. Ironed. Talked with Dad. Picked & canned peaches. Cut grass. Stan took children to see raft. Bathed & put on medicine. Played hearts with kids.

Thu – Took Greg shopping for his birthday. Bought candy, toys, etc. Mrs. Steincamp came with ticket for Rainbow Gardens. Took D-F-G-H for free rides. B & C cooked supper.


Sat – Dad came out ½ day. Varnished. Marks’ furniture moved away. Went to bank. Bought Bill shoes & Ivan tennis shoes. Paid Hamel (503.80) Knitted. Watched TV. Kids got baths.

Sun – Went to SS. L D on vacation. Stopped at store. Stan went to Moms to tear down mantle. Took kids to river. Knitted & ran out of yarn. Picked vegetables.

Mon – Rainy day. Ordered more yarn. Made meat loaf & custard. Stan came home sick. Watched TV.

Tue – Washed clothes. Ironed & folded. Stan home sick. Had corn from garden. Went to bookmobile & Haines. Got bath.

Wed – Made pickles. Gave Bill presents (new radio). Fixed turnovers. Took Bill to work. Watched TV.

Thu – Took Greg to South Hills Village. Bought lunch. Shopped for birthday. Went with Mary Ellen & Helen Fredell to Pleasant Hills TOPS.

Fri – Washed clothes. Kids cleaned house. Gave Gregory presents & set out candy & balloons. Took boys to ballgame. Went to store. Stan went to see Bobby Lees.


Sun – At hospital. Stan brought suitcase. Told about ? Karnack’s death. Relaxed. Carol & Stan came in evening. Carol saw baby. Baby started to nurse. Doing pretty good.

Mon – Laura Dee called hospital. Felt real good. Baby doing fine. Nursing well. Stan came to see me in evening. Brought radio.

Tue – Took shower. Relaxed. Dad came out. Brought new dress for the baby. Stopped at house, too. Stan came to see me in eve. Left early to take Carol shopping.

Wed – Took shower. Washed hair. Relaxed. Alice Davis & Stan came to see me at hospital. Brought gift from Ladies missionary. Stan brought gift from Grace Pavelko. Mary Narvin called. Stayed awake talking.

Thu – Took shower. Last day for resting. In evening Stan came to take Julie and I home. Children had house clean & painted. Stan & Carol went to store. Unpacked suitcase.

Fri – Gathered up clothes. Washed. Carol hung out. Fed Julie. Rested. Mom called. Dad called. Carol fixed pizza. Stan stopped for cake & ice cream. No cake (mistake on order) Bill H. came out. Had cupcakes from Beryaks. Stan went bowling.

Sat – Slept late. Relaxed. Carol went to town with Suzy M. Stan bought home birthday cake. Suzy stayed for supper. Kids got baths.


Mon – Washed clothes. Changed sheets. Took kids swimming. Stopped at Haines. Worked outside on back. Wrote Elaine. Played cards. Took bath. Jane stayed overnight.

Tue – Dave & I worked on dirt pile out back. Stan leveled it in eve. Took kids swimming. Went to bookmobile and store.

Wed – Ironed clothes. Picked up Greg’s baseball glove. Mended clothes. Picked vegetables. Sliced cucumbers. Played cards with Carol & Jane. Carol started to clean cellar.

Thu – Carol started to paint cellar. Washed clothes. Canned pickles. Went to store & got old Ford lubricated. Rained. Went to TOPS (-1/2)

Fri – Jane came up. Painted checker board on cellar wall. Cleaned kitchen & bedroom. Dave broke bed. Got old one from cellar. Carol stayed up cleaning cellar. Got Bill at 2:15.

Sat – Jane came up to decorate cellar. I baked apple pies. Went to store. Stan got & put up door for boy’s room. Bill got shoes for birthday. Had party. Carol made pizza.

Sun – Didn’t go to SS. Iced Gregory’s cake. Fixed main meal at noon. Took Bill back to get ride. Gregory got baseball glove & clothes. Had light supper. Stan worked on dirt pile in back.


Wed – Baked pies. Fresh peach, lemon sponge. Washed clothes. Went to store. Bought sheets & groceries. Sewed Elaine’s dress. Carol took Bill in to see Mom. John called from Texas.

Thu – Finished Elaine’s dress. Ironed clothes. Played cards. Fixed pork roast. Rained. Stan & I went in to see Mom. Still coma (had bad stroke). Stopped at Haines.

Fri – Washed clothes. Kids helped me clean house. Baked cookies & banana cake. Went to ball game. Orioles didn’t come. Jayhawks played (2 teams). Had wiener roast. Carol took car to work.

Sat – Went to bank & store. Stan worked on steps & walk of front. Went to K-Mart & Haines. Bought fire place screen. Carol & Bill went to party. Played cards.

Sun – Humid. Everyone tired. Washed clothes. Changed sheets. Stan worked on front walk. Had birthday dinner without Bill. Home later. Played cards (Bill, Carol, Angelo & me). Kids got baths.

Mon – Washed clothes & ironed. Went to Sears and Acme. Slag was delivered. Got lumber. Took Bill to Dad’s. Dave & Stan put slag in walkways. Played cards. Called Helen. Mom the same.

Tue – Ironed clothes. Took Gregory to South Hills Village. Got bat. Couldn’t find anything. Had baked cake. Got Greg tennis shoes. Had candy. Sewed Julie’s dress.